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Steel round bar S355J2G1W material properties
Steel round bar S355J2G1W is one mainly of Steel Resistant to Atmospherical Corrosion, Steel round bar S355J2G1W is a weather-resistant structural steel with mechanical properties similar to S355J2G2. By adding Cr, Cu and Ni, it formed oxide layers stick firmly to the workpiece surface. This oxide layer prevents further corrosion of the steel.
Steel round bar S355J2G1W Chemical composition(%)
C≤0.16 Si≤0.50 P≤0.035 S≤0.035 Cu:0.25-0.55 Cr:0.40-0.80 Ni≤0.65 V:0.02-0.12 Nb:0.015-0.060 Al≥0.02
Steel round bar S355J2G1W Mechanical Property
Yield Strength ReH[N/mm2] transv.min:355 Tensile Strength Rm[N/mm2]transv:510-610 Fracture Elongation[%]transv. min.:22
Bebon International can offer large stock supply of Steel round bar S355J2G1W. If you are interested in Steel round bar S355J2G1W, please contact us freely, we are happy to serve you.